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Basic Of DC to DC Boost Converter

In modern times, mobile devices have become very popular, because of the ease of use even outside the room though. Its simplicity to carry anywhere, of course, making mobile devices requires a source of electricity from the battery. The use of a battery is indeed the best solution, but the battery has limitations in providing electricity. For this reason, we need another device that can charge the battery anywhere and anytime.

For this reason, a power bank was created to charge mobile devices everywhere. Basically the power bank is an electronic device consisting of a lithium-ion battery and a DC to DC boost converter circuit, which is able to change the voltage of 3.7 volts from the battery to 5 volts DC. DC to DC boost converter system Works with the high frequency switching method so that it is quite efficient in consuming battery power.

The DC to DC boost converter consists of main components such as ferrite core inductors, mosfets, ultrafast diodes and filter capacitors. Electric current flows through the ferrite core inductor to the mosfet drain terminal which is also connected to the diode anode, while the mosfet gate is controlled by IC PWM (the source terminal of the mosfet to ground). When the mosfet oscillates because it is controlled by IC PWM, there is an increase in the voltage at the inductor terminal which is connected to the drain mosfet, which is then rectified by a diode and filtered by a capacitor. With that way, the battery voltage rises to 5 volts DC with a large current as needed.

The use of DC to DC converter is not only limited to power banks, but also widely used on computer monitors and also led tv. The function is very useful and high efficiency, making the DC to DC boost converter widely applied to modern electronic devices, especially in power source systems. In addition, the simplicity of the circuit also makes the DC to DC boost converter better than a linear resource system.


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