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Showing posts from April, 2018

The farthest man-made machine

Have you ever wondered, what is the furthest thing that man has made? Perhaps many think, that man-made furry thing is mars lander. Or maybe a satellite to research jupiter. However, in fact the man-made furry thing is a pilotless aircraft with ancient technology. The plane was a voyager 1 launched on September 5, 1977. The main mission of the voyager 1 was to investigate the planet of jupiter and saturnus, but improved again to examine the heliopause and interstellar space. On March 5, 1979, voyager 1 reached the planet of jupiter, and on November 12, 1980 the voyager 1 reached the planet of saturnus. The voyager 1 power is 420 watts, sourced from thermoelectric generator radioisotopes. To communicate with the earth, voyager 1 uses a power transmitter of only about 22 watts, and it takes about 36 hours to communicate with the station on earth. In 2015 the voyager 1 distance from the earth is about 19.7 billion kilometers, and to date the voyager 1 continues to go and awa

looking to the past with James webb telescope

Have you seen stars in the sky? What do you think of when looking at a star? Perhaps all you can think of is, the stars in the sky are very far away and there is no way we can go there. But, in fact the stars in the sky are not only far away. Stars in the sky are thousands of years, even millions of light years. That means, the starlight in the sky comes from thousands of years ago. So the light we see is light that comes from the past. For hundreds of years, astronomers have been researching stars in the sky using telescopes. In general, telescopes used are optical telescopes, which have very limited capabilities. Along with the development of the era, telescopes continue to improve technology until its ability continues to increase. The development of telescopes is not just telescopes on the surface of the earth, but until the telescope in space. In the eighties, scientists made the hubble hubble space hubble telescope, to be placed in orbit around the earth. Placem

The simple transistor fm radio circuit

Fm radio is a radio reception fm waves. These radio receivers some are fully using transistors, and some are using ICs. For those who use transistors usually called transistor radios. With the rapid development of the times, the radio changed into smaller ones,  and with few components. And changed from analog system to digital system. Some analog electronic enthusiasts, transistor radios have a special place. Transistor fm radio circuit Dispite its simplicity, it is easy to repair and modify. To help you and your transistor radio project, here is a transistor radio picture. Which you can use to create and learn it. May be useful.