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super ceramic and future of aviation

At present the world of aviation has been very advanced, this is evidenced by the rapid intercontinental flights, and accompanied by increasingly cheaper costs. All of this can be realized with the use of super materials, in the constituent components of an aircraft.

To reduce flight costs, one way that can be applied is by reducing the weight of aircraft. In this way the aircraft fuel consumption becomes more efficient, so the cost of flights will be cheaper.

To reduce the weight of an aircraft, for now using lightweight and strong carbon fiber and aluminum alloy materials. This material is very strong and has a light weight, so it can be used to make aircraft parts.

In addition to the development of the fuselage, the scientists also developed another important part of the engine. As we all know airplane can take off, and fly because it gets thrust from a jet engine.

Jet engines are one of the strongest engines on earth besides Rocket engines. The jet engine is able to suck large amounts of water, compact it, and burn it in a very short time. When a jet engine works there is a process of fan rotation, compressors, and gas turbines that rotate up to tens of thousands of times per minute.

In addition to engine components that rotate in the extreme, inside the jet engine also occurs in the process of burning fuel in the combustion chamber. Jet engine combustion chamber conditions are also very extreme, because when the combustion process temperature is in the combustion chamber and gas turbine chamber is very high, up to a thousand degrees Celsius.

To deal with such high temperatures, materials for combustion chambers and gas turbines are made from super materials such as metal alloys. Metal alloy is capable of carrying out well for decades tasks, and is still used today. Although metal alloys have proven to be strong, scientists are still trying to create new materials that are better than metal alloys.

Metal alloys have proven to be strong and withstand high temperatures, but metal alloys require lots of cooling holes to prevent the metal alloy from melting. With the need for many cooling holes, the causes of component production to become more expensive.

Currently general electric scientists are developing jet engine components, which are made of super ceramic to replace metal alloys. The super ceramic components are able to withstand the temperatures of 500 degrees higher than metal alloys.

Besides being able to with higher standards, the jet engine's thrust increases by 25 percent and 10 percent more fuel-efficient. The use of these super ceramics components will also extend the life of the engine, and reduce maintenance costs. And the use of super ceramics is faster and cheaper.


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