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Showing posts from June, 2020

Basic Principles And Use Of DC Boost Converter

DC boost converter technology or DC to DC step up converter, is one of the most widely used systems in modern electronic devices. DC boost converter allows the power supply unit to be made as simple as possible, because the power supply unit has only one output channel. In this way, electronic devices can be made more concise. Examples of the use of the easiest to find include, the use of a DC boost converter circuit on LED televisions and LED monitors. Modern LED tv mainboards are very compact, because they only use a power supply circuit with one output channel. To provide sufficient power to the LED backlight unit, a DC boost converter system is used which is able to change the 12 volt DC voltage from the power supply unit to 32 volts or more. Meanwhile, to meet the needs of the main processor power used a DC buck converter circuit which is able to reduce the 12 volt DC voltage to 5 volts DC efficiently. One of the main reasons for using a DC boost converter is that it has very go